Overall the PASS learning system was fantastic. It prepared me well for the 4 PEP Module Exams while giving me the flexibility to learn and review at my own pace and to focus on what I needed to most.
I just wanted to say WOW! The material is amazing on how it presents just the important technical and explains it in an easy to understand and follow format. I am rewriting my flash cards right now based on the PASS material. I wish I had just studied using PASS since day one and I could've been multiple times more effective with my use of time.
I just found out I passed Core 1 - thank you for your awesome videos. It was my 3rd attempt at Core 1. I had a hard time understanding and retaining the notes from Knotia on my own. Your videos helped me so much with understanding the logic behind the rules, especially financial reporting. I found your mock exams harder than the actual exam which I think helped me prepare even further. I'm so glad I bought PASS!
I personally feel that the way that the class was structured really helped me. Videos were really entertaining, and Multiple choices really useful.
I have passed Core 2 and I'm so happy I did use PASS. The videos in Core 2 were the best as I'm a visual person.
The videos and the practice questions really helped me cope with the module better and I definitely know who I will turn in future for help with these CPA PEP courses
The pass program has been amazing in helping me prep for challenging my Core 2 exam. PASS has been great!
I wanted to thank you for the management accounting notes as they really helped me during the CFE technical brush up.
Just wanted to thank you for the Core 1 module
materials. I passed the Core 1 exam "with distinction" in the
top 5% of writers.
I could not have got anywhere near that result
without the PASS courses.
The overall quality of the course was fantastic and the binder is extremely helpful. I found that as long as you familiarized yourself with the material prior to the class, the pace of the class was perfect; it moved quick enough that I didn't get bored but not so fast that I felt lost.
PASS's notes were very helpful in passing my exams. The notes and videos are very easy to understand, and the practice questions/cases served as a great primer for the exams.
Just wanted to thank you again for providing an amazing crash course for the CPA PEP Module Exams. I learned last week that I was successful in my first attempt at the tax and assurance exams! Don't think I would have done as well had I just studied on my own with my own material.
You guys have done a phenomenal job with the course as I scored very well on the Core 1 and Tax modules. Your notes are very comprehensive and the mock exams were a lot more difficult than the actual exam, which made me well prepared.
Thank you so much for your course materials, content and coming to Ryerson a couple years ago and sharing your insights on how many exams to challenge and in what order. I've passed all four in the spring and summer and could not have done it without you.
The PASS courses were an incredible supplement to my self-study plan. I was able to ask any questions in class that I stumbled upon while studying by myself, which really helped. I felt fully prepared before the challenge exams!
Your study material really helped - I passed my Core 2
Very useful. Good enough material to help you pass the challenge exams.
PASS has been very helpful for my previous Core 1 and Tax PEP Module Exams - thank you for what PASS does.
I passed both Core 2 and Assurance from the December sitting. Passed with distinction (whatever that means) thanks to your content!
I just wanted to say thanks for some great course material and interesting lectures. I was able to "PASS" all of my challenge exams the first time around. I give a lot of credit to the PASS program and have recommended it to friends who are/will be writing.
I just wanted to let you know that I passed my tax exam on my second attempt and it is almost all thanks to your program. All of the technical notes as well as the session notes were an excellent practical approach which helped me organize the topics in my head going into the exam.
I highly recommend PASS - their smoothly structured and highly interactive Challenge Exam program and study materials guaranteed my success with the exams. The instructors are knowledgeable and offer constructive and personalized feedback which greatly benefits the process."
I passed my Tax Elective and just wanted to thank you for that! Your
materials were great and I recommend it to all my friends who will be
sitting for their CPA.
Thanks again for offering these sessions. They were extremely helpful and I'm very glad to have gone through them.
Thank you for all your help and awesome practice materials and lectures.
I'm just writing to say thanks and express my appreciation for your CPA pass program. I just passed my fourth challenge exam and just wanted to say thank you to you and Michael for your well devised notes and videos, they were extremely helpful in my preparation for each challenge exam, I honestly don't know how I would have prepped without them.
I wanted to thank you both for the great videos and material provided, they were a great help in passing the Core 1 and Assurance exams!
I was thoroughly impressed with PASS and definitely owe a lot of my success to the materials provided, especially the lectures. I found your videos that share realistic exam views and scenarios to be the most beneficial. The approach taken by PASS in regards to important topics and not getting hung up on things (like pensions) was extremely useful and reassuring.
You and Michael were extremely helpful, there are numerous occasions where I sent emails at 12 and 1am and received responses almost instantly.
I put my faith in your judgement.
PASS works if you dedicate the time and follow the guidance of Michael and yourself.
Thanks for your help, (and for the awesome core 1 and 2 prep materials)
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